
Approved — Ready for dev

A slider indicates to a user that a value is adjustable. The user moves the slider handle along a rail to increase or decrease this value. When interacting with the sliders, the value is reflected back to the user immediately. There are two types of sliders: continuous, range and discrete. There are three sizes: small, medium and large.




Continuous sliders allow users to select a value along a subjective range. 

  1. First Value Slot (Optional)
  2. Indicator
  3. Handle
  4. Track 
  5. Second Value Slot (Optional)


Range slider allows users to set a minimum and maximum value.

  1. First Value Slot (Optional)
  2. Track
  3. Handle (Min)
  4. Indicator
  5. Handle (Max)
  6. Second Value Slot (Optional)


Discrete sliders allow users to choose from a set of predetermined values. This is shown by using tick marks that the user can easily move the handle across the slider to choose their value. 

  1. First Value Slot (Optional)
  2. Indicator
  3. Handle
  4. Tick Mark
  5. Track
  6. Second Value Slot (Optional)



Element Property Value
Track Background color ∆colorPlatformGray100
Indicator Background color ∆colorBrandedAffordance
Handle Background color ∆colorBrandedAffordance
Handle Border color ∆colorPlatformWhite
Tick Mark (Previous) Background color ∆colorBrandedAffordanceOn
Tick Mark (Next) Background color ∆colorPlatformGray300


Size of the bar depends on the design but small is the default. 

Element Property Value
Track and Indicator Width Defined by design
Track and Indicator (Small) Height 4px
Track and Indicator (Medium) Height 8px
Track and Indicator (Large) Height 16px
Tick (Small Circle) Height/Width 4px
Tick (Medium Circle) Height/Width 6px
Tick (Large Circle) Height/Width 10px
Handle (Circle) Height/Width 16px
Handle (Circle) Border (Outside) 2px


No elevation considerations for the slider component.


Spacing between the indicator and the handle depends on the user's action as they slide. The space between the ticks is either equally distributed between the beginning and end or it is defined by design if different. 


A tooltip will show up as the user hovers over the handle and then also as they drag it around the track to indicate the value. The tooltip will go away once the user has let go of the handle and moved their cursor outside of the handle bounds.


No theming considerations for the slider component.


All sliders should be placed adjacent to the content they describe.


Click and Drag

The slider can be used by clicking the handle and dragging it across the track. Note: The tooltip for the value will show once the handle has moved over and the user’s cursor is hovering over it.

Click Jump

The slider can be used by clicking anywhere on the track and the handle will automatically slide over to that position. Note: The tooltip for the value will show once the handle has moved over and the user’s cursor is hovering over it.


A keyboard user could tab down to the handle and press the left and right arrow keys to move the handle left on the track. 

Developer Docs

Vue Developer Docs

Component documentation coming soon!